Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part D (2024)
Histopathological analysis of testicular lesions: An experience from a tertiary care centre
Dr. Shah Priyanka Vinodkumar, Dr. Monika Nanavati, Dr. Mahadevan Selvaraj and Dr. Hansa Goswami
Introduction: Testis is affected by both neoplastic and non- neoplastic conditions. There are various testicular lesions, ranging from paediatric to adult age groups. Though neoplastic testicular lesions are rare, incidence has been raising. Hence this study is undertaken to analyse various testicular lesions.
Aim and Objectives: This study aims to analyse the histopathological spectrum, age-wise distribution, laterality and clinical presentation of all testicular lesions (both neoplastic and non- neoplastic) reported in B. J. Medical college, Ahmedabad - a tertiary care centre in Gujarat.
Materials and Methods: This was a three-year study including all the testicular specimens referred to Department of Pathology, BJMC, Ahmedabad.
Results: Testicular tumours were uncommon, comprising only 6.7% (10/150 cases) of all testicular lesions. Seminoma accounted for 60% (n=6) of cases in neoplastic lesions followed by mixed germ tumour of about 20% (n=2). Testicular torsion 30% (n=42), testicular abscess 15% (n=21) and Epididymo orchitis 10% (n=14) were the common non neoplastic lesions found in the study.
Conclusion: Testicular tumors are uncommon in our population. As evident in other parts of the world, germ cell tumor was the common tumor found in this study as well.
Pages: 283-287 | 169 Views 58 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shah Priyanka Vinodkumar, Dr. Monika Nanavati, Dr. Mahadevan Selvaraj and Dr. Hansa Goswami. Histopathological analysis of testicular lesions: An experience from a tertiary care centre. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2024;7(3):283-287. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2024.v7.i3d.614