Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part C (2024)
Study of PAP smear findings in a tertiary care teaching hospital
Dr. P Parvathy and Dr. Shivika Kaushal
Introduction: In the past few years, the epidemiology of cervical cancer has undergone some important changes. It is ranked fourth in world and second in India in terms of its incidence. India accounts for 15.2% of total cervical cancer deaths in the world. In India, 4 out of 5 cases of cervical cancer reported are infected by HPV strains 16 and 18. Effective primary prevention with HPV vaccinations and secondary prevention by proper screening and treatment of precancerous lesions will prevent most cervical cancer cases. AIM: The present study was undertaken to determine the frequency of premalignant and malignant lesions of cervix and to study age wise incidence of various cervical lesions.
Materials and Methods: This was an observational study carried out in the Department of Pathology, B J medical college, Ahmedabad over a period of one year from August 2022 to July 2023. A total of 1003 satisfactory smears were studied. The cytological interpretation of the smears was made according to The Bethesda System 2014 (TBS).
Results: A total of 1072 smears were studied during the study period of August 2022 to July 2023. Out of these 1072 smears, 69 were inadequate or unsatisfactory. Most women were of age group between 31-40 years. Majority of patients had come with complain of leukorrhea (53.6%). Most of the patients (73.2%) were categorized into NILM (negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy) and the remaining had epithelial abnormalities. Among epithelial cell abnormalities, ASC-US was the commonest (13.3%) followed by LSIL (6.4%) and ASC-H (2.4%).
Conclusion: Reviewing the results of present study, it is inferred that premalignant and malignant lesion of cervix is not uncommon in our set up. PAP smear can be a safe, cheap and effective test to detect premalignant and malignant lesions in low cost settings and help in guiding clinicians for further management.
Pages: 188-191 | 269 Views 89 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. P Parvathy and Dr. Shivika Kaushal. Study of PAP smear findings in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2024;7(3):188-191. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2024.v7.i3c.602