Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part B (2024)

Histopathological study of vesiculobullous lesions of skin in a tertiary care teaching hospital


Dr. Maulik Dhirubhai Shelar, Dr. Shakera Laxmidhar, Dr. Rosy Laxmidhar, Dr. Smita A Shah and Dr. Hansa Goswami

Introduction: Vesiculobullous diseases are a group of disorders in which primary lesion is a vesicle or a bulla on the skin or mucous membrane or both. Vesicles and bullae are fluid filled cavities formed within or beneath the epidermis. They may occur in many dermatoses, which include various inflammatory, infective, autoimmune, drug induced as well as genetic conditions. Histopathology of skin biopsies is a useful technique in the investigation of various skin diseases, out of which vesiculobullous lesions from one of the predominant groups. Histological study is one of the most valuable means of diagnosis in dermatology. The greatest diagnostic accuracy is obtained by correlating the clinical and histological findings.
Aims and Objectives: To describe the spectrum of vesiculobullous lesion in skin and mucous membrane, age and sex wise distribution, to describe histopathological finding in vesiculobullous lesion and to conclude importance of histopathological examination for diagnosis and management.
Methods: A histopathological analysis of 62 skin biopsy which diagnosed after 24 hour formalin fixation of 4 mm2 punch biopsy than dehydration, clearing, embedding in paraffin wax, blocks made, section were cut and stain H & E stain done, after microscopy diagnosed under vesiculobullous spectrum of skin disease is include in present study.
Results: Among 62 cases analyzed, specific histopathological diagnosis was made in all of cases. Pemphigus Vulgaris were seen in 48.4% of cases, whereas 17.8% of cases were Bullous pemphigoid. Pemphigus Vulgaris was found to be the most common Vesiculobullous lesion.
Conclusion: Because of Skin Biopsy we can conduct in OPD with minimal interventional precaution. With the help of histopathological examination and correlation with clinical examination feature it can be helpful to guide clinician toward diagnosis, management of patient.

Pages: 120-125  |  301 Views  91 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Maulik Dhirubhai Shelar, Dr. Shakera Laxmidhar, Dr. Rosy Laxmidhar, Dr. Smita A Shah and Dr. Hansa Goswami. Histopathological study of vesiculobullous lesions of skin in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2024;7(3):120-125. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2024.v7.i3b.594