Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part A (2024)
Histomorphological approach of central nervous system (CNS) tumors: A retrospective study at a tertiary teaching care center
Dr. Monika G Amipara, Dr. Ami M Shah, Dr. Smita Shah and Dr. Hansa Goswami
Introduction: Tumors of CNS are rare and constitute about 1-2% with high morbidity and mortality of all malignancies. The majority of these are primary tumors, and only one fourth to one half are metastatic.The CNS tumors show bimodal age distribution with one peak in children and another peak in 45-70 year of age. The CNS tumors that predominate in adults differ from those seen in children.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the histopathological spectrum of various CNS tumors with relative frequency, age, site, gender and locations.
Material and Methods: A total 280 cases were retrieved from the records of histopathology section of department of pathology at B.J. Medical college, Ahmedabad from Jan 2023 to Dec 2023. Histological typing and grading was done according to the WHO 2016 classification.
Result: CNS tumors show a slight male predominance with male to female ratio was 1.03:1 with mean age group for diagnosis of CNS tumor was 40.28 years. Most predominant age group affected was between 41-50 years (19.28% cases). Meningioma was the most common tumor followed by pituitary adenoma in adult while medulloblastoma was the most common tumor in children. The primary CNS tumors were graded from grade I to grade IV. Supra-sellar region and ventricles were the most common location in adult and children respectively.
Conclusion: The present study helps to provide information regarding the burden of disease in our area. So diagnosis and grading of tumors by HPE is essential to predict the prognosis and treatment.
Pages: 33-38 | 454 Views 152 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Monika G Amipara, Dr. Ami M Shah, Dr. Smita Shah and Dr. Hansa Goswami. Histomorphological approach of central nervous system (CNS) tumors: A retrospective study at a tertiary teaching care center. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2024;7(2):33-38. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2024.v7.i2a.566