Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A (2023)
Expression of p16 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasm and invasive cervical carcinoma: An immunohistochemical study
Dr. Supreet Kaur, Dr. Sanjay Piplani, Dr. Manas Madan and Dr. Karamjit Singh Gill
Background: According to WHO-Cervical Cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women. This study evaluated expression of P16 in cervical intraepithelial lesion and cervical carcinoma and its correlation with tumour grade, age, etc.
Material and Methods: 106 histopathologically proven Cervical Intraepithelial lesions (CIN) and invasive cervical carcinoma cases were subjected to IHC for p16.
Result: Most common age group involved was 51-60years. Bleeding per vaginum was most frequent complaint in Invasive Cervical carcinoma and discharge per vaginum was most frequent complaint in cervical carcinoma patients. P16 showed positivity in only 7.10% of CIN I cases, 30% of CIN II cases, 57.10% of CIN III cases and majority (81.30%) of invasive cervical carcinoma.
Conclusion: The expression of P16 positivity increases with increasing grades of dysplasia (Carcinoma>CIN III> CIN II> CIN I).
Pages: 01-04 | 957 Views 370 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Supreet Kaur, Dr. Sanjay Piplani, Dr. Manas Madan and Dr. Karamjit Singh Gill. Expression of p16 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasm and invasive cervical carcinoma: An immunohistochemical study. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2023;6(1):01-04. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2023.v6.i1a.502