Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part B (2022)

Histopathological study of sinonasal lesions over period of 12 months at tertiary care teaching hospital


Dr. Dipti Khodabhai Zinzala, Dr. Hansa Goswami and Dr. Urvi Parikh

Introduction: Sinonasal lesions are commonly encountered in clinical practice and important from clinical and pathological perspectives as they have varieties of histological patterns. Aim is to find out frequency of inflammatory, benign and malignant conditions of sinonasal region and to compare it in relation to age and sex wise distribution.
Methods: The study was conducted at Histopathology department at tertiary care teaching hospital which involves total 106 specimens of sinonasal region received at histopathology department during period of 12 months from January 2021 to December 2021which were then sectioned, processed and microscopic examination was done. Data analysis was done with Microsoft excel 2007.
Results: Out of 106 cases, 75% was male patients. Non-neoplastic was 90% followed by neoplastic lesions constituting 10% with benign 6% and malignant lesions constituting 4%.
Conclusion: On the basis of clinical picture various sinonasal lesions may mimic each other so histopathological diagnosis forms the mainstay of diagnosis in these lesions.

Pages: 100-103  |  750 Views  186 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Dipti Khodabhai Zinzala, Dr. Hansa Goswami and Dr. Urvi Parikh. Histopathological study of sinonasal lesions over period of 12 months at tertiary care teaching hospital. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2022;5(4):100-103. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2022.v5.i4b.499