Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part C (2021)

A histopathological study of gall bladder in a tertiary care centre: An observational study


Vijay R Bhosale, Pankaj R Pande and Sudhir M Gavali

Introduction: Gallstone disease is a major health problem and a significant health issue worldwide. This research was carried out to study the varied histopathological changes, demographic correlation and association of gall bladder pathologies to cholelithiasis on 114 cholecystectomy specimens.
Materials and Methods: The present research was conducted at Department of Pathology, Prakash institute of medical sciences and research over a period of 3.5 years, July 2016 to December 2019. The gross examination was done after fixing the specimens in 10% formalin. Bits were given from fundus body and neck. Microscopic findings of the H&E-stained sections were noted.
Results: 46.5% of the samples were present in the age range of 50-70 years with high female preponderance. On Microscopic examination, chronic inflammation was found in 69.2% of the cases. Cholelithiasis was seen in 67.5% of the specimens. Acute, acute on chronic, eosinophilic, gangrenous, xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis and a single case of adenomyomatosis were also seen.
Conclusion: Gallstones produce a wide range of histopathological changes in mucosa which requires detailed histopathological analysis. The increasing rate of cholelithiasis calls for further research to signify its importance in diagnosis, demographic and future trends.

Pages: 171-173  |  1164 Views  462 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Vijay R Bhosale, Pankaj R Pande and Sudhir M Gavali. A histopathological study of gall bladder in a tertiary care centre: An observational study. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2021;4(4):171-173. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2021.v4.i4c.440