Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part C (2021)

Clinicopathological study of skin lesions at a rural tertiary care centre: Study of 220 cases


Dr. Waghmare AW, Dr. Narwade SB and Swami SY

Skin biopsy remains the gold standard investigation & irreplaceable diagnostic tool in dermatological diseases. Developing countries have reported higher prevalence of skin diseases and the spectrum of these diseases is highly variable. Here we present a clinicopathological study of skin lesions in 220 cases. Out of 220 skin biopsies studied, 9.5% were inadequate samples, followed by17.27% inflammatory lesions, 53.18% benign and 20% malignant lesions respectively. The age range in the present study was 5 years to 91years with a male to female ratio of 1.8:1. Epidermal cyst was the most common benign lesion while squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignancy encountered histologically in the present study. Study highlights the range, variation & proportion of various skin lesions at rural tertiary care centre. It emphasizes the importance of skin biopsy in arriving at a diagnosis. Skin biopsy is pivotal in determining the malignant skin lesion which may mimic benign & vice versa.

Pages: 144-148  |  1117 Views  342 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Waghmare AW, Dr. Narwade SB and Swami SY. Clinicopathological study of skin lesions at a rural tertiary care centre: Study of 220 cases. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2021;4(4):144-148. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2021.v4.i4c.434