Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part G (2020)
Histomorphological study of renal tumors in a tertiary care hospital
Urvashi Andotra, Harminder Kour Rai, Aneeta Singh Malhotra and Arvind Khajuria
Introduction: Renal tumors can present as a mass or lump on the side or lower back along with other clinical symptoms such as fatique, loss of apetite and weight loss. Nephrectomy is done as a surgical management for renal masses.
Aim: To study the histopathological spectrum of neoplastic lesions in nephrectomy specimen
Methods: Study included all the nephrectomy cases done for renal tumor over a period of 10 years (November 2008-october2018)
Results: Out of 85 neoplastic lesions, renal cell carcinoma was the most common lesion diagnosed in 68 (80%) specimens, followed by Wilms tumor in 9(10.58%) specimens, followed by metanephric adenoma in 3(3.52%) and squamous cell carcinoma in 2(2.35%) while angiomyolipoma, multicystic nephroma and renal sarcoma were diagnosed in 1 (1.17%) specimen each.
Pages: 458-460 | 2661 Views 856 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Urvashi Andotra, Harminder Kour Rai, Aneeta Singh Malhotra and Arvind Khajuria. Histomorphological study of renal tumors in a tertiary care hospital. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2020;3(1):458-460. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2020.v3.i1g.211