Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part G (2019)

Benign breast disease in rural population attending tertiary hospital: An epidemiological study


Dr. Ponnada Jogi Naidu and Dr. G Raja Prameela

Background: Various types of lesion from inflammation to carcinoma can affect the breast. Some lesions are common in young females while others are more common in elderly age group. Early presentation and prompt diagnosis is essential to relieve anxiety of non-neoplastic conditions.
Methods: The study conducted on all outpatients and inpatients who presented with a breast lump, from all units of the Department of Pathology in Great Eastern Medical School & Hospital, Ragolu, Srikakulam during December 2017 to December 2018. It is a cross sectional study with 78 patients as sample size.
Results: In the study of 78 patients with benign breast disease, the majority were within 21 to 25 years age group. On FNAC maximum patients, i.e. 74.4% were diagnosed of Fibroadenoma, 7.7% as fibroadenosis, 15.4% as Galactocele and 2.6% as either to be an epidermal cyst or sebaceous cyst. On histopathological examination, 74.4% had Fibroadenoma, 7.7% had fibroadenosis, 15.4% had Galactocele, and 2.6% had a sebaceous cyst.
Conclusion: Most cases of breast lump are benign, but most of these patients are in a state of heightened anxiety. Hence, Awareness about the benign breast diseases and diagnostic tools such as USG and FNAC would help in the proper resolution of the breast lump and better outcomes.

Pages: 450-452  |  1811 Views  747 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Ponnada Jogi Naidu and Dr. G Raja Prameela. Benign breast disease in rural population attending tertiary hospital: An epidemiological study. Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol. 2019;2(2):450-452. DOI: 10.33545/pathol.2019.v2.i2g.233